It's quiet in the house. Music plays in the background while I contemplate on your arrival. I've been anticipating you for awhile now. You were supposed to be here a few years ago. A few generations ago, truth be told. You don't seem to be in a hurry. You never are. You tend to take your time. It's understandable. If I only had thirty-three years to live, I would take my time too.
Not sure if you've noticed or not but we're kinda in a hurry down here. We've been waiting for so long for you to arrive, we're on the verge of chaos. Wars are being fought because we lack the ability to love sacrificially. We've waited so long that we've confused politicians as messiahs. We've taken your commandments and tried to make an empire out of them by turning them on their head. You said, "You've been told but I tell you." but we've said, "We've been told works better than what you've told." We're waiting with great impatience.
You're not going to hurry up, are you? I didn't think so. You'll get here when you're good and ready.
Are you hear already? Are you here in our midst now?
Some say you are. In one form or another, you're here with us. Some say you're off waiting in a palace on golden streets waiting to make your return. Some say...some say.
I'm still waiting. I've waited for answers to questions I've asked repeatedly. I've waited for clarity in decisions I needed to make yesterday. I'm still waiting. You're still taking your time.
Doubt there's anything I could do to convince you to hurry up?
Didn't think so.
You know, the longer people wait, the more likely they are to take action on their own? Of course you know. And you're still not in a hurry? Shouldn't surprise me. You were never in a hurry when you were here before. You didn't rush to save your friend Lazarus. You waited three days. I know...I know...three day rule.
You're on your way though, right?
I get it. You'll get here when you get here. You'll respond when you respond.
I guess all we can do is wait then?
Until then. Until you get here, will you please help us with a few things?
Help us to love one another as you love us. Help us to be known by our love. Help us seek your kingdom and live as children of God. Keep the light ignited when this dark world tries to extinguish it. Help us to give of ourselves as you give of yourself. Help us to forgive as you forgive. Help us see as you see.
Help us live as you lived, without apology.
See you soon or whenever you get here.
Happy Advent.
Not sure if you've noticed or not but we're kinda in a hurry down here. We've been waiting for so long for you to arrive, we're on the verge of chaos. Wars are being fought because we lack the ability to love sacrificially. We've waited so long that we've confused politicians as messiahs. We've taken your commandments and tried to make an empire out of them by turning them on their head. You said, "You've been told but I tell you." but we've said, "We've been told works better than what you've told." We're waiting with great impatience.
You're not going to hurry up, are you? I didn't think so. You'll get here when you're good and ready.
Are you hear already? Are you here in our midst now?
Some say you are. In one form or another, you're here with us. Some say you're off waiting in a palace on golden streets waiting to make your return. Some say...some say.
I'm still waiting. I've waited for answers to questions I've asked repeatedly. I've waited for clarity in decisions I needed to make yesterday. I'm still waiting. You're still taking your time.
Doubt there's anything I could do to convince you to hurry up?
Didn't think so.
You know, the longer people wait, the more likely they are to take action on their own? Of course you know. And you're still not in a hurry? Shouldn't surprise me. You were never in a hurry when you were here before. You didn't rush to save your friend Lazarus. You waited three days. I know...I know...three day rule.
You're on your way though, right?
I get it. You'll get here when you get here. You'll respond when you respond.
I guess all we can do is wait then?
Until then. Until you get here, will you please help us with a few things?
Help us to love one another as you love us. Help us to be known by our love. Help us seek your kingdom and live as children of God. Keep the light ignited when this dark world tries to extinguish it. Help us to give of ourselves as you give of yourself. Help us to forgive as you forgive. Help us see as you see.
Help us live as you lived, without apology.
See you soon or whenever you get here.
Happy Advent.