Thursday, May 9, 2013

My 3 Year Old Does Community Better

Each day, when Connor arrives home from daycare, I ask, "How was your day?" He proceeds to tell me the entire day's events in one breath. Now, I'm not sure what's going on at daycare but that boy has  been on more treasure hunts and to outer space than I have my entire life. The consistent story he tells is this: "I had fun with Austin, Kaleb, Braden, and Nathan. And Baby Scarlet and Baby Brianna (Banana is how he pronounces it). I was fighting with Kaleb."

I then ask him to clarify what he means by fighting and proceeds to tell me about wrestling with Kaleb or Kaleb took his toy or he bit Kaleb. Not entirely sure how much of that's true but what is true is that he and Kaleb butt heads. Both my son and Kaleb are alphas who like to be in charge and the two occasionally will fight and have trouble getting along.

Here is the fascinating observation. Every morning when Connor arrives, Kaleb shouts, "Connor!" He is excited to see him and immediately wants him to start playing cars with him. When I pick up Connor from daycare, Connor constantly will run over and hug Kaleb good-bye and give a good-bye fist-bump. No matter what had occurred during the day, these two kids are still excited to see each other and hug each other goodbye. They remain in community with one another despite their differences and their fights.

My 3 year old does community better than a majority of churches. That's saying something.

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