Hidden in the dark, my cape, my cowl
My voice striking fear
In the black heart of crime
Scaling the roof tops, listening to the screams
With my batrope in hand, I would swoop down
Bringing my justice to nameless victims
If I were Batman
If I were Batman, as I wish I were
My batmobile would shine
As we ride down Crime Alley,
Keeping my promise made at age nine.
There are times I wish I were Batman
In an unjust world, the innocent need someone
To stand watch over them,
Protecting the just from the corrupt
There are times I wish I were Batman
Then I think of the loss he suffered
Parents and sons, loved ones.
I think of how the cowl takes over the man
When I think I wish I were Batman
I see beyond the money and gadgets
Behind the cowl resides a broken man
One seeking to justice to an unspeakable crime
I see a nine year old child in Crime Alley
Crying out to no one there
His parents lay beside him
A broken necklace, it's pearls glimmer under a broken street light.
There are indeed times I wish I were Batman
For this world needs someone who keeps their promise
The injustice of broken laws and corrupt politicians,
Need to hear the fearful gruff voice from the shadows.
"I am vengeance" the voice would begin
"I am the night" the voice would grumble
"I am Batman!" the voice would ring in their ears

I know I do not need a mask
For the message of justice is gospel
And I am Batman
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